Wednesday, 18 November 2015

July - Vancouver

This trip still literally brings tears to my eyes. My sisters (14 and twin 16 year-olds) were traveling with me, and for two of them, it was their first time on a commercial airline. In fact, the only reason they had been on a plane before was because they are all air cadets and they have flown gliders themselves. But I digress, back to the trip! 

We flew on Canada Day, my 33rd birthday, at night. We knew our vacation was off to a great start when the city of Vancouver welcomed us with fireworks we could see from the air. There are no words to describe what we saw that night. We got a few hours of sleep once settled at out uncle's house and then were ready to go bright and early for our first adventure.

We started at Golden Ears National Park. With two kayaks, we towed 5 people, a cooler and all of our gear to a small beach for the day. We swam, ate and played for hours as our dear uncle slept off his night shift. The mountains were a stunning backdrop for our sun-filled day.

The following day I decided to take the girls for some sightseeing, and I was excited to see some attractions that I had never visited as well. We started at Stanley Park, because, well, how can you not?! We walked along the seawall and took in the majesty of the ocean, mountains and city combined into one spectacular venue. 

Our next stop, which was surprisingly nearby was the Capilano Suspension Bridge. While my youngest sister was enamored with David Suzuki's Edgewalk, I didn't disguise my utter fear of heights and was sure to embarrass them with my shrieks for the following 2 hours. There is so much to see and do at this park, it is definitely not just a giant bridge.

We ended the day at Grousse Mountain - again conquering my fears and creating memories with my most cherished friends. My youngest sister managed to make it to the peak, while the rest of us waited about a third of the way up! 

On our last day, we hit the beach where the tide was easily about 2 kilometers out from the shore!!! Amongst the hundreds of dead crabs (which of course they thought were hysterical to chase me with), we made our way out to the ocean. Being the tourists that we were, we made sure to position ourselves by the lifeguard before we entered into the Pacific Ocean (it was the first time for my twin sisters). We proceeded to scream and giggle at the top of our lungs as we braved the cold water and the crabs nipping at our toes (justice). 

I adore British Columbia and I intend to travel there at least annually. Next stop - the Okanagan!

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