Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Cook the World Week 7 - Seychelles

Photo Of Blue Sea

Between my extensive travels and time spent in the Caribbean, I thought I was pretty well-versed in Island fare.  I was absolutely blown away by the diversity of flavour and ingredients used in the recipes my father prepare for the Seychelles.  When he said he was making a coconut shrimp curry and a "surprise" seafood dish - I was a little apprehensive.  I'm a weary seafood consumer at best - I completely credit my husband for teaching me to try things again.  Our tastes change, but sometimes we are so set in our ways that we hesitate to try "bad" things again.  I always relate it to the way children feel about mushrooms - most of them hate them!  But if you research this - there is a very good reason why most children hate mushrooms - because there are so many varieties of poisonous mushrooms in the world and therefore they instinctively avoid them.  Pretty cool, huh?  It also explains why they don't like vegetables - that bitter taste is also a sign of poison.  But I digress...

The coconut curry shrimp was fantastic - but my dad has made several varieties of this same dish for me in the past, so that was no surprise.  The stand-out dish this week was the Santini Poisson; basically a really, really cool tuna salad.  Again, if this does not sound appealing to you - give it a go! It was packed with incredible texture, flavour and a combination of ingredients that I would never have thought to combine, but worked out fabulously.  I ate a generous helping at dinner, put it on a bagel for lunch the next day and even brought the leftovers to work to share with my colleagues (all of whom were just as impressed as I was).  Scroll down for Recipes


Santini Poisson

Coconut Curry

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